to experience the traditional Majorca
100% relaxation and 100% nature
loving family atmosphere
The beautiful eco finca Can Guilló is located in the North of Majorca and is surrounded by palm trees, cactus and many beautiful plants and flowers. Book now your Majorca country hotel for the next summer, because the demand is very high and places are scarce.
Healthy Holidays on a Finca: There are hoteliers all around the globe who discover their ecological awareness – partly because of conviction, partly due to economic reasons. So far, Mallorca didn’t have a lot to offer, but now Finca Can Guillo starts considering ecological standards.
For our swimming pool, we completely abstain the usage of aggressive chemistry – the water is kept clean by adding salt and a smart technique which splits up the salt only in case of need. Waste separation is the standard value for some time and our chicken and pigs salvage the biological litter with great verve.
In the morning we offer you a rich breakfast buffet with regional products and from our own animals.
Holidays on a farm, this is farming to touch, animal experience and discover. On a Majorca farm holiday you can experience an active farm yourself or with your children.
Finca Can Guillo · Finca-Hotel Mallorca, Öko-Finca, Landhotel, Bauernhof-Urlaub · Country Hotel Majorca, Eco Finca Farm · Agroturismo, Finca ecológica Mallorca, Hotel rural Pollenca
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